"" Copy Corp Club

Copy Corporation


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The Canon NP 200

This is the machine that was responsible for our success in 1978 - 1979!

Mickey Higdon

Mickey 1989
If it had to get done, Mik did it
Mickey Higdon
Louisville, KY
Birthday is July 23
Email (Click Here)
I have many fond memories of my career and co-workers at Copy Corporation/IKON since August 1985!  
One of my first memories was asking about the two guys wearing black rubber suits who worked downstairs in a little room.  I was told that the two were Jimmy Voll and Bill Shanks and they cleaned Savin liquid toner tanks. I thought to myself that whatever happens, I must find away to avoid getting that job!  Copy Corp had a strong family atmosphere, a great place to work. We worked hard, played hard.  We were proud and worked hard to achieve our goals and targets.  One great example of the work ethic that we had was evident one year on the last day of the fiscal year, a hectic day as sales and billing worked into the night to get everything booked and billed.  
Presidents Club Gulf of Mexico Deep Sea Fishing
Normally, I would grill hamburgers for everyone that stayed around.  About 8:00 PM I noticed Jim Francis and David Hesse had not returned from their daily deliveries, I thought I had better keep the grill hot for them. When they returned, Dan Pierce wanted to know if all of the deliveries were completed and Jim Francis replied yes. However, before they returned, a National Account machine was delivered to us for a customer in London, Kentucky. Dan suggested, we could bill for the machine if it was delivered. So Jim took his burgers to go, loaded the machine in the truck and made the delivery. He returned at 1:30 AM the next morning.  That is the type of dedication that made the company great!  One day, during one of our “Warehouse Sales”, Steve Young came into my office with a customer. He showed her our copier and how it worked. Once he finished I saw him in the hallway and asked if he made the sale and he replied that he did. I told him we did not think that particular machines left in the warehouse and he told me that he did not need one from the warehouse – he sold the one we were using. He said “in fact, in a couple of minutes we will be loading it into her car”. I learned real quickly that if it was not nailed down, Steve would sell it!  During another “Warehouse Sale” I was in charge of cooking and serving hot dogs.  It seemed that my best customer was Dan Pierce. For some reason, he seemed to like my cooking. Just before lunch, he asked if I had any relish and he told me they would be much better with relish. I replied that I guess if I had relish, you would have eaten a dozen, since you have already had 6 of the bad ones and it was not even lunch time.   I remember the President’s Club trips, the family events and the Holiday dinners with Elvis and the Blues Brothers. The hospitality that Joyce and Jim shared was appreciated and will always be remembered.   Over the years, we have lost a few of the folks who worked hard and dedicated themselves to Copy Corp, Steve Young, Susan Rixman, Bob Bronger and Elaine Schunk will always be remembered.   Stories about Copy Corp could go on and on. It was a place where careers were formed and for a few of us, continues to be our work home.  Jim Kincer put a great deal of hard work into this company and I for one, am very grateful for that. Although we do not see them as often as we would like, both Billie and I remain close to Joyce and Jim and consider them dear friends.
As you know, I am affiliated with the ball club through the Clarksville Little League. (VP of the Challenger League).  My involvement with the kids centers around organizing the league itself.  I send out registration forms in January, process all paperwork, select the uniforms and order them, send out newsletters to the families, organize an "Opening Day" event where I introduce all players before our first game, provide cold drinks to all players and coaches after every game, order trophies and organize a year end banquet. Billie and I are involved from January through July and the past couple of years, we have been fortunate to be awarded a grant from the Horseshoe Foundation which takes additional paperwork. We play on Thursdays in May and June and I leave the play itself up to our 2 coaches who work great with the kids.    I am also a member of the ClarksvilleRedevelopment Commission.  I still enjoy the Rose Garden in my free time and smoking meat on the grill every chance I get (generally cook a brisket, pork shoulder or smoked jalapeno)!
The schedule is  pretty busy with volunteer work, therefore not many hobbies as such. The roses are still enjoyable but they seem to get more difficult to grow each year. Smoking meat on the grill is a new thing for me and the family seems to like it as well. Last week, I smoked 3 briskets for a fall party that was held by Billie's grandson. I think he ate about 1/2 of the meat. I generally cook brisket or pork shoulder but my newest item is a smoked jalapeno. People seem to like them as well. 

How does this one look on me?

Mickey and his secret BBQ recipe

Last night (6/24/21) was our last game of the season for my ball team and since we did not have a banquet due to the pandemic, I planned a special night. We had some of the Louisville mascots come over to join us and I invited both WDRB and WAVE 3 and each of them sent some folks to do a story on us. The link below is WDRB's story as it appeared on the 11:00 news last night. 

Jeff Swan

Current Business Picture
Jeff Swan
Louisville, KY

Jeff was employed as a sales representative in 1978-'79.  Jeff Swan, Steve Young, Randy Freeman, Steve Carrico,Tad Douglas and Jeff Doll were the first sales representatives employed by CopyGraphic (CopyCorp) after opening the doors in 1978.
He was educated at Webster University and University of New York Regents College.
Jeff is currently Manager Credit Services at PPG Architectural Finishes, Inc here in Louisville.  He is a dynamic credit expert and accomplished leader with more than 15 years experience impacting the performance of multimillion dollar operations. Uniquely skilled in the area of accounts receivable including credit, collections and cash application. Jeff's expertise includes revitalizing credit performance via cutting edge strategic planning and problem solving. A strong leader and exceptional innovator with superior business acumen.

Mike Davis

Mike Davis (Deceased)
New Castle, KY (Henry County)

Mike was an excellent  salesman for Copy Corp in the early 1980s, his style was very relaxed, he made a customer feel comfortable and that they were talking with a friend!  Mike was hired from Pitney Bowes and when he left Copy Corp after a few years, he returned to PB.  Mike was an outstanding baseball player and was very involved in the Copy Corp softball and/or baseball teams!  He was a very likable man!
Mike G. Davis, age 62 of New Castle passed away Saturday, December 19, 2015 at Baptist Health Louisville.  Michael was a Graduate of Henry County High School Class of  '71 and a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University.  He was a Technical Consultant with Rumford Industrial Group.  Mike was preceded in death by his father, Jessie W. Davis; step-father, Robert Batts and sister, Donna Faye Davis.

Survived By:   
Mother:           Pauline "Pill" Batts of Turners Station, KY
Sister:              Dina (Davis) Yates of Cartersville, GA
Brother:           Ken Davis (Jan) of Denton, TX
Several Nieces & Nephews

Funeral Service: was December 23, 2015 at Prewitt New Castle Funeral Home.  Officiated by Rev. John Inscore Essick & Rev. Amber Inscore Essick, pastors of Port Royal Baptist Church.
Interment:  Port Royal Cemetery
Memorial contributions may be given to Port Royal Baptist Church.

Colleen Hoover

Colleen Hoover
Copy Corp Administration
Louisville, KY

Colleen Hoover worked in the administrative department.  I remember Colleen as being a lady that can get the job done.  If there was a job or project that needed to be done and Colleen was involved, you could count on the job getting done and will a high degree of accuracy.  But, that was just the beginning, Colleen was a real team player, she was always involved in everything the company or her department was doing, whether it be work or play.

Colleen was always wearing a smile and had nice things to say about everyone.
June 24, 2019 - 

It is with great sadness that I inform you that Colleen Hoover passed away on Saturday morning. For those who did not know, she had been fighting cancer for some time and it was too much to overcome. Due to some circumstances with her 5 children, it was Colleen’s decision not to have a memorial service so we will just need to think of her and her family privately. As of this morning, the obituary was not available but when it is published, I will send it to you.

Colleen started with the company nearly 28 years ago in our collections department. In recent years she worked with customers in resolving billing issues and was well respected for her knowledge as well as her willingness to resolve matters. She was known for her good nature and she will be missed by those who were fortunate to know her. We will miss Collen but she is certainly in a better place today with no pain. Please keep Colleen and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Rhonda Dowdy

Rhonda (2011) Churchill Downs
Rhonda Dowdy
Louisville, KY
Birthday:  December 5

Email: (Click Here)

I have such fond memories of CopyCorp. (1991 - 2001) I was so excited about getting a job there because they would deliver my equipment. My previous employer required me to drive the van and deliver my own equipment so I thought I struck gold when they hired me! It was much safer for everyone that I was no longer driving a van around town! The lessons I learned and the friendships I made at CopyCorp were priceless.

I had many mentors while at CC. Jim Kincer was always pushing me to be better. I remember one day he asked me to run a meeting and it was really getting out of hand at one point, so I looked at Jim for help. I'll never forget the look he gave me back,  it bascially said "you're in charge here, you need to take control!" I appreciate those times now because they really taught me how to sell, manage, and most of all how to be strong.
Rhonda (1993)

Another mentor of mine was Bob Bronger, I could go to him for anything, whether it was personal or business. Whenever I needed a competitive detail he always had the answer!
There were many more people I looked up to at CC, Tom Gilman, Mickey Higdon and many others.

Since leaving, I haven't worked in an atmosphere like CopyCorp. It was such a team oriented group. I can remember on one of the last days of the fiscal year sitting with Dan Heiskell and Cindi Carman. We were waiting to hear from Michael  to see what our numbers were and if we needed to "trade some deals" to make sure we all made 100%.  That year we all made it on our own.

That was just one of the many year end evenings! Month-end  and year-end days were crazy!

Many of the close  friendships I have today began at CC. The bullpen was great for competition, friendships and team work. I'm blessed to have been part of such a great group of people.
After working at CC I fulfilled a goal of mine and went back to school and earned my bachelor's degree in management.  I'm hoping to go back to school for my masters degree but I have to get Taylor through college first!
Jordan                  Rhonda                        Taylor
I still live in the upper highlands area. I love this part of town and everything is so convenient. I'm a single mom these days. Taylor is 20 and Jordan is 12, WOW how time passes! Taylor is going to U of L and is in the school of social work. She works at The Home of The Innocents as a resident counselor. I'm extremely proud of the work she is doing and the young woman she's become. Jordan is be in 7th grade at de Paul and wants to go to Trinity when he graduates from grade school. He is the money person in the family. He's always looking for a way to make money or wants to sell something! They are the love's of my life! We recently added a new member to our family, a black lab named Annie. Our cat isn't too happy with this decision!
I've been selling in the Healthcare IT field for the past 8 years. I sold practice managment and electronic medical records until just recently. Now I'm selling health information exchange solutions to hospitals and health systems. I cover 5 states so I do a little traveling here and there. The sale is much different from my copier days. The sales cycle can be 2 years in some cases, so I don't experience the end of the month crunches anymore.
Jordan and Taylor

Tammy Carter

Birthday July 16
Louisville, KY
Email (Click Here)
I began working at Copy Corp in September 1988 as the “Sales Secretary”.  I worked with all those “crazy” sales reps, Mark Holsclaw, Dan Heiskell, Jeff Kohl, Bill Micou, Kahty France, David Wigglesworth, Ken Brown, Ben Pope, Len Underwood, Gary Jennings, Connie Eisenback (these are the ones that I remember).  I was promoted to Executive Secretary, working with Susan Rixman, Steve Young, Ken Brown, Tonii Rizzo and Mickey Higdon.  In a short time, I became the Administrative Assistant to Jim Kincer.
CopyCorp was a great job!  I truly enjoyed my work and all of the people that I worked with.  I feel blessed that I had the opportunity to work with and know such a great group of individuals.

I left Copy Corp (IKON) after 14 years, in June 2002 to be a full time wife and mom.

Chas and I have been married for 25 years (1/24/1987) and have 4 wonderful children: Kayla (19) Graduated from North Bullitt High School June 2010,Jarrett (16) 10th Grade at North Bullitt High School – started on the varsity football team this season, Cole (14) 8th Grade at Hebron Middle School – loves to ride dirt bikes, Noah (8) – 3nd grade at Freedom Elementary School he loves to read and play with Legos.  

Tammy and Chas 1992
Copy Corp would not have been the great company that it was without Tammy Carter.  Tammy kept everything together and operating smoothly, she was/is an outstanding person and we really depended on her through-out her career with Copy Corp. 

Note from Jim Kincer:
Chas Deep Sea Fishing
Tammy was always a team player, she was a hard worker and knew how to get the job done.  As everyone remembers the end of the month were very busy and stressful for the entire company and especially the sales team, but Tammy handled the month end with a great “can-do” attitude and worked hard and long hours to make sure every order was booked and the sales rep got credit for their good work. When we moved Tammy to the Executive Team, I caught a great deal of flack from the entire sales department, for moving her out of their department.  Tammy brought the same good work and positive attitude to the Executive Staff for many years and we were very sad to see Tammy announced she was leaving CopyCorp to become a stay home mom! Finally, we are all very happy to have worked with her for 14 years, Thank You Tammy!

Sid Swinney (Deceased)

Sid 1991
Sid 1991
 Sid Swinney
 Louisville, KY
 Cape Coral, FL
Email:  (Click Here)

Sid passed away on November 8, 2023

"After almost twenty years of banking I was trying the retirement scene and becoming very bored by not having a challenge. Then, one day Jim Kincer called and ask if I might be interested in a position at Copy Corporation. While finance had always been my chosen field, Jim offered me the opportunity to grow in areas that I had not tried before. I accepted the CFO position of Copy Corporation! It was one of the luckiest days in my life. 
Sid and Gary Jennings 1

    Copy Corp gave me the opportunity to work with some of the "finest people ever" and little did I realize that I would be doing everything from building offices and "storage shelves" to working with Jim in the acquisition of other companies to merge with Copy Corporation. 
     My experiences at Copy Corp gave me the confidence to start my own company, "Crestwood Plumbing" and (at this writing) in our 18th year. I must give credit to all of you for the things learned about Sales, Marketing and Equipment Maintenance. 
     Today, I am semi-retired and spend very little time at my company.
Sid recently catching a Shark, near his Florida home.
Today, Karen and I now divide our time between our Kentucky and Florida homes. In the winter you will find me out in the Gulf trying to catch sharks, grouper, and cobia. 
I have also become very active with our home owners association and have served on the board in various positions from president to auditor. I am currently serving as editor of our association’s newspaper.  
In the summer I get to stay in Kentucky and play with our five grandchildren. On most every weekend Karen and I will give our kids a break and keep the grandkids for the weekend. 

     I have also taken up a new hobby of wine making. Currently producing six types of fruit wine (everything from blueberry to strawberry) and have recently planted some Glenora Wine Grapes and hope to produce a nice dry red wine in a couple of years. 

"Money Grab" Sid Goes for the Money!!!
RIP my friend, Sid Swinney  
Sid 2012

Jim Francis

Jim Francis
Louisville, KY

Jim worked with CopyCorp in the mid 80s and 90s, and was a dedicated "can do" manager.  There was never a job that Jim Francis could not and would not do.  Jim worked far beyond the call of duty, and was a pleasure to work with throughout his career at CopyCorp!  After CopyCorp, jim went to work for Toshiba as the Operations Manager and continues in that position!

Kim Whitmer

Kim 1990
Kim 2015
Kim Whitmer
Ricoh USA
Lesle, IL
Email (Click Here)

Kim worked at CopyCorp for many years and continues working with IKON/Ricoh.  Below is an email received 2/20/12 from Kim:
I really enjoy looking at the Copy Corp Blog, it brings back so many memories.  One of these days, I'll get around to sending you an update; however I will mention that I just celebrated my 25th anniversary with IKON/Ricoh (Copy Corporation) in January.  I am forever grateful that I met your sister, Sue McKenzie, when I was working in a local restaurant and she was kind enough to tell me about a receptionist opportunity.  Thank you for taking a chance on a "kid" with no real experience.   Kim 

Kim, Joyce Findley,Tom Gilman
Kim, Larry and Susan Rixman

Kim Whitmer
Integrated Account Manager      
Ricoh USA
410 Warrenville Road
Lisle, IL, 60532
Phone:  630-874-5080 
Cell:  630-973-0866 

Lunette Kovatch

Lunette Kovatch
Navarre, Florida
I was employed as Secretary/Dispatcher with CopyCorp in 1987, after interviewing  with Susan Rixman, Norma Niev and Vice President Bruce Jennings.  Norma was leaving Dispatch to be his Admin. Asst and I was her replacement. 

Gene, Lunette, Ken, Steve, Sid @ Christmas 1989
It worked out well for me and I was hired to work for Ken Brown, Service Manage and after a while became ” Lead Dispatcher” until I was assigned my most favorite position, “Company Receptionist” where I greeted visitors and answered the phone.  I worked in that position until I retired in April of 2005. 

Gene and I had the pleasure of going on a couple of Presidents Club trips that I won.  We also won trips to Nashville, Gatlinburg, and a very exciting trip to Kentucky Speedway where we rode in NASCAR Vehicles around the track (that was pure fun)! 

Gene and I moved from Maryland in 1966 with our 2 children David and Melody, they went to school in Jefferson County and after graduation, they were married and movedMelody, married and 2 children live in New Orleans. And David moved to Dallas and he has 3 children.

Renewing Vows on Navarre Beach 2010
Gene retired from Jefferson County Schools in the fall of 2005 and we prepared to move permanently to our home in Navarre, Florida. We had purchased the home in 2003 as our retirement home. Finally, in the spring of 2006 we finished moving and put our Louisville home of 40 years up for sale, we were lucky and it sold that summer.

We Love it here in Navarre, Gene has become involved with the Fire Department and works as a Volunteer in a Primary School Library (this year he was named Volunteer of the year for Santa Rosa County).  I am on the Board for the Friends of the Navarre Library and help them run the bookstore in our Navarre Public Library, I am also a Docent in the Panhandle Butterly House.

In June of 2010 Gene and I Celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary and renewed our vows on the Beach with family and Friends.  

*9/12/18 - Mickey and Billie Higdon took a short vacation to the Panhandle of Florida this week and while there made contact with Lunette and Gene, they are doing good but Lunette had a medical issue in her legs over the past couple of years but after an intense rehab schedule she is doing good, happy to be driving again! Both Gene and Lunette were happy to hear from Mickey!  

Dennis Sloan

Dennis Sloan  1994
Dennis Sloan 2013
Dennis Sloan
Louisville, KY
Email: (Click Here)

Dennis was a service technician with CopyCorp during the 1990's, he resigned in 1998.  Not only a very knowledgable, dependable, hard working technician, who could fix anythingbut Dennis was a very nice southern gentleman.  Today, Dennis has been with Imaging Office Systems for 13 years as a Document Management Specialist.

David Hesse

David Hesse 2014
David Hesse
Louisville, KY
Email (Click Here)
David is a Marine Corps veteran of Operation Desert Storm. He is a board member of the local chapter of the Marine Corps League and the manager of the audit for the Honor Flight Bluegrass Chapter. 
David in 1985

David worked for Copy Corp in the 1980s and 1990s. 
He resigned in late 1990 to go back to school to study accounting at Indiana University.  Upon completing his education, David joined the firm Tichenor & Associates, LLP (in Middletown, KY) in 200.  He is experienced in performing audits of healthcare providers and various governmental entities.  David also manages the Incurred Cost Audits for USAID and various other audit engagements for Tichenor

While at Copy Corp/IKON, David worked with Jim Francis, managing the Copy Corp inventory, warehouse and delivery operations.  I remember David as being one of the hardest working people I have ever met!  He didn't think anything about 8 to 5, he only thought about "getting the job done"! He was one of the nicest and most dependable people we ever had at Copy Corporation and I know his life has been very successful!

Today, David enjoys family, friends and his motorcycle!

Rey McAlpin

Ray McAlpin  1978
Rey McAlpin  
Louisville, KY
Birthday 2/26
Email (Click Here)

I was with Copy Corp from 1990 - 1994 and after CopyCorp I was with PSBI (Prudential Service Bureau, Inc.) which was a benefits administrator for various companies from 1994 - 1998 PSBI was located next door to CopyCorp on Bluegrass Pkwy. 

I'm still in the accounting field. My wife Beth is doing great. 
Rey with Vivian Bonnet and a sales rep (1993)

Rey worked for Sid Swinney and later Tom Gilman as accountant and controller.  He was very effective as an accountant and also a very effective manager of people.  Rey is a likeable southern gentleman and a committed "team player"!

When there was a job to be done, CopyCorp could absolutely depend on Rey and his team to get the job done.  Even though Rey was seldom involved in a "sales situation"  he has the qualities of being an excellent  salesperson.  Rey is a dependable, honorable hard worker and was a big asset to CopyCorp.
Rey studied Accounting at Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University and is  married to Beth Brandon McAlpin.

Marcus, Beth, Lauren and Rey
The McAlpin Family 2011
Our daughter, Lauren is 26 and a 2nd year law student attending John Marshall Law School. Our son Marcus is 22 and a senior at the University of Kentucky.
Beth and Rey McAlpin   (2010)