"" Copy Corp Club: Sid Swinney (Deceased)

Sid Swinney (Deceased)

Sid 1991
Sid 1991
 Sid Swinney
 Louisville, KY
 Cape Coral, FL
Email:  (Click Here)

Sid passed away on November 8, 2023

"After almost twenty years of banking I was trying the retirement scene and becoming very bored by not having a challenge. Then, one day Jim Kincer called and ask if I might be interested in a position at Copy Corporation. While finance had always been my chosen field, Jim offered me the opportunity to grow in areas that I had not tried before. I accepted the CFO position of Copy Corporation! It was one of the luckiest days in my life. 
Sid and Gary Jennings 1

    Copy Corp gave me the opportunity to work with some of the "finest people ever" and little did I realize that I would be doing everything from building offices and "storage shelves" to working with Jim in the acquisition of other companies to merge with Copy Corporation. 
     My experiences at Copy Corp gave me the confidence to start my own company, "Crestwood Plumbing" and (at this writing) in our 18th year. I must give credit to all of you for the things learned about Sales, Marketing and Equipment Maintenance. 
     Today, I am semi-retired and spend very little time at my company.
Sid recently catching a Shark, near his Florida home.
Today, Karen and I now divide our time between our Kentucky and Florida homes. In the winter you will find me out in the Gulf trying to catch sharks, grouper, and cobia. 
I have also become very active with our home owners association and have served on the board in various positions from president to auditor. I am currently serving as editor of our association’s newspaper.  
In the summer I get to stay in Kentucky and play with our five grandchildren. On most every weekend Karen and I will give our kids a break and keep the grandkids for the weekend. 

     I have also taken up a new hobby of wine making. Currently producing six types of fruit wine (everything from blueberry to strawberry) and have recently planted some Glenora Wine Grapes and hope to produce a nice dry red wine in a couple of years. 

"Money Grab" Sid Goes for the Money!!!
RIP my friend, Sid Swinney  
Sid 2012


Michael Carroll said...

Sorry to hear the news of Sid passing, he was one of the good ones. I always appreciated how he lived his life to the fullest. Prayers for his friends and families.

Mickey Higdon said...

I remember Sid well - he was tireless in his efforts to get the job done. Prayers to his wife Karen and to Sid's family.

Steve Meyer said...

So sorry to hear about Sid. RIP Sid. You were always a pleasure to be around and to work with.

Sandy Eisenback said...

He was such a nice guy! Thoughts and prayers to his family 🙏

John Karrer said...

Sid was a great person to work with. Sorry to hear of his passing. Prayers for all of his family and friends. Rest in peace Sid.

Juliet Xia said...


Bruce Jennings said...

Sid was a talented and kind person, I enjoyed working with him

Dan Armstrong said...

I’m so sad to here of his death. He is a good person and I enjoyed working with him.

Lianne Bradshaw said...

Such a nice man!

Patty Mullins said...
