"" Copy Corp Club: Pictures


Can anyone tell me who these two are?
I know, Do You?
Steve Young and Glenn Baugh
Veronica Brown and Jim Kincer
Veronica Brown

Copy Corp Lexington Team

Mike Adamczyk

Gretchen and Mike
Jim Voll
Overworked Jimmy Voll
Dan Pierce

Donna (Graf) Kincer
Donna (Graf) Kincer

Donna and Jim Kincer, II

Jim II & Jim I 
Jim Kincer and Grandson Joshua
Joyce and Jim Kincer
Mike and Gretchen Adamczyk
Susan and Larry Rixman
Bill Mcoou and Jim Kincer
Mickey, David,  Gary Jennings, Jim K, Dennis, Steve
Country Hams are on the desk
Canon Representatives Dan Armstrong, Paul Fox, Jim and Steve Saylor
Steve, Jim, Susan, Al Babcock

David Payne and Jim Kincer
This must have been on a Cruise, I hope I didn't dress
like this except for the Derby!
Jim and Susan
I don't remember who was santa, but I should have had his job that year

Jim Valdez

Frankly Darling, I dont give a damn!!
Lisa Freepartner
Billy Jones

Does anyone remember when we picked up the Nashua
Copy Machine Line.  They never worked and I don't think
we sold a single one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will have to say that I miss all of the ones I knew.

Dave Riddle enginr@comcast.net 270-777-2394