"" Copy Corp Club: First Business Card

First Business Card

CopyGraphics Corporation

Many of you may not know that our company's first name was "CopyGraphics Corporation".  After the first year, we were forced to change the name because there was a toner company in New Jersey that had the name CopyGraphics registered. To the left is our first business card.  This first card was designed by a U of L art student for $50.00.

When we did change the name, we tried to minimize the attention to the matter, so we kept the blue and black colors and simply dropped the word Graphics, thus Copy Corporation.  The new blue Logo (below) was taken from the Jeffersontown Chamber of Commerce Logo!  See below:

Copy Corporation

We came to realize that one of our strongest selling tool at that time was the name "Canon", and permanently added "Canon" to the card at the time of printing the new card.  You will also notice, we modernized the type style to go along with the new logo.  

One final thing about this subject.....this all happened when "Pac-Man" was really popular!

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