"" Copy Corp Club: Donnie Grace

Donnie Grace

Donnie Grace 1983
Donnie Grace 2012
Donnie Grace
Mt. Washington, KY
Does anyone have Donnie's Email address?

Donnie Grace worked with CopyCorp for many years during the 1980's.  Donnie was a warehouse worker and eventually became warehouse manager until he resigned to go to truck mechanic school and in 1991 became a truck driver for Conway Trucking Company where he is still driving today.  Donnie is the son of our bookkeeper, Linda Bamforth and  had the work ethic of his mother, always dependable and worked until the job was done!  He was a quiet and shy personality, but he took his work very serious and got it done, I remember that Donnie loved "trains" and "Big Trucks" anything to do with trains or 18 wheelers were his thing!  Donnie and his wife Leslea currently reside in Mt. Washington, KY.
Donnie Grace 1997

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