"" Copy Corp Club: Steve Young (Deceased)

Steve Young (Deceased)

March 20, 1956 - December 13, 1996
Steve Young (Deceased)
Check out the "Cash" in his shirt pocket and under his shirt.
We all knew and loved Steve Young.  He was truly an inspiration to everyone that met him.  Steve was always very positive and looking for a good time in everything he did.  Steve was a great salesman, he was so smart, that he gained immediate respect and trust.  When Steve was in college at UK, he sold supplies between classes and did very well as a part-time rep.  However, in the summer, before he was to enter medical school, he wanted to sell copiers for the summer, in Louisville, so he and Randy Freeman shared an apartment for the summer and Steve began selling copiers, very successfully.  When medical school was about to begin, Steve told me that he had figured out that he could make much more money selling copiers than he could as a doctor, especially considering how long it would take to become a doctor.  Yes, Steve choose to become a sales representative instead of a doctor, and you know the rest of the story!

Steve passed away in an automobile accident less than a mile from his home on 
Friday, Dec. 13, 1996
Steve and Lynn Young

Steve and Miss Panasonic
"Show me the money"
Sales Rep Brian Begley and Steve
Lynn 2012 in Fort Myers, FL




Anonymous said...

I remember one NOMDA trip in Kansas City, we were waiting for the bus to take us to the show from the hotel. The driver was out of the bus getting coffee and Steve sat down behind the steering wheel of the bus and unfortunately the key was in the ignition......Yes, you know the rest of the story....Steve started the bus and the driver came running.....when the driver got back on board, Steve "Talked her into allowing him to drive the bus".....fortunately there were only 5 or 6 people on the bus and he actually drove the bus to the next hotel!!!!! Kincer was really pissed off......imagine the liability!

Jim Kincer said...

Yes, I was really pissed at him, but, fortunately nothing happened!