"" Copy Corp Club: Randy Freeman

Randy Freeman

Randy 1983
Randy 2010
Randy Freeman
Louisville, KY
Email: (click here)

Randy was one of the very early sales reps for CopyCorp from 1979 and through the early 1980s.  In fact Randy was a good friend of Steve Young, just out of school, and full of energy and enthusiasm.  He worked in the era of Dennis Thompson, Jeff Slyn, Mike Davis, Mike Helmeuler and the early Dave Payne days.  Randy and Steve quickly became known ad the "Dynamic-Duo" and every day was an event.  Randy was a super salesman and fierce competitor; he and Steve would challenge one another to see who was going to sell the most that day, that week, that month!  Needless to say, I loved it!

We were very pleased to have Randy as a representative; he was a very likeable, nice gentleman with a super personality.  In the early days and throughout most of his career with CopyCorp, Randy drove a pick up truck.  Randy just enjoyed the pick up trucks until Cadillac introduced the Seville, at which time he fell in love with the Seville Cadillac and as soon as he could purchased his first Seville.  Later after CopyCorp, Randy named his construction company a few years later.

We also remember Randy was a very good dancer, in fact I believe he taught dancing at night at one of the dance studios.  He taught many of the CopyCorp partners (men and women) how to dance or improve their dancing skills.

After CopyCorp, Randy founded a moving company (I have forgotten the name) with several moving trucks and vans, and for many years moved many of us as we moved from home to home, city to city.  As with everything he did, the moving company was very successful but his passion and long time desire was to become a home builder!  Randy sold the moving company and began a new and successful career as a Louisville Home Builder, thus the beginning of Seville Homes, Inc.,  Randy understood when ye built someone a new home, he was not just building a house, he was creating a lifestyle for them.  Over the past years he has built many homes throughout Kentucky and Indiana.

1980 Photo
Randy standing,
Dennis Thompson, Steve Young 
Joyce and I recently (July 2012) ran into Randy at Lowe's Hardware.  We visited for a long time and he said all of his brothers children were grown and his children were nearly grown.  They are all doing good and Randy is weathering the building and development storm reasonably well.  He and his wife still enjoys going dancing weekly, as many of you may remember, Randy was an outstanding dancer and taught many of our CopyCorp partners how to dance!  But, Randy is a survivor and a fighter from way back!  We really enjoyed our visit with him and he looked very good.  I hope that Randy and those that worked with him during and after CopyCorp will provide stories, pictures and information about his work, life and family.
Randy Freeman (July 2012)

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