"" Copy Corp Club: Steve Carrico

Steve Carrico

Current Business Picture
Steve Carrico
Louisville, KY
Email: (Click Here)
Steve was one of the first Copy Graphics (CopyCorp) sales people in 1978.
Wow !!!!!!!!!  Where can I start ? I have so many fond memories (and speak often about them to friends and associates) even to this day some 33 years later. Yes I guess if you do the math, I was part of the original team that opened the doors in that small Bluegrass Parkway office way back in 1978 (April I think). CopyGraphics Corp (which is what the company was called in the early days) did a HUGE part in molding my career and life course. Although I was only there a few years, the experiences and knowledge that I gained from Dave Doll and Jim Kincer were life changing. I remember being very impressed and a bit intimidated with their style, class and selling skills have come from the key player in the industry at the time (Xerox) . After leaving CGC, I moved on to a 20+ year career in Consumer Products sales and then transitioned over in 2003 to management and ownership of a PI (fraud investigation) firm.
Some of my favorite memories centered around the tight camaraderie with that small intro sales team. Jeff Doll, Dave Doll, Jeff Swan, Tad Douglass, Randy Freeman, Steve Young, Dennis Thompson etc. I remember the delivery of the companies first Canon 5000 (Large machine) to a printer over off Shelbyville Rd and Hubbard's. We used to deliver all with Dave's brown and beige customized van. The Evansville Market sales blitz's were also very memorable.
My favorite sale was to my old High School Alma Mater, St X. I remember making reference to the catholic phrase "canonizing" (to glorify) while presenting the great qualities of the Canon NP-80 liquid toner machine. (cheezy but it worked) Dave and I also recruited Mike Helmueller (a St X teacher) during the sales process for St X. Mike I believed went on to a long and profitable career with CGC (Copy Corp).
Thanks Again Jim for finding me, It's GREAT to reminisce about the old days !!!!!! Have you located Tad Douglass? Last I heard, he was working at Tafel but again that was a million years ago as well. Oh and Mike Helmueller too.

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