"" Copy Corp Club: Mickey Higdon

Mickey Higdon

Mickey 1989
If it had to get done, Mik did it
Mickey Higdon
Louisville, KY
Birthday is July 23
Email (Click Here)
I have many fond memories of my career and co-workers at Copy Corporation/IKON since August 1985!  
One of my first memories was asking about the two guys wearing black rubber suits who worked downstairs in a little room.  I was told that the two were Jimmy Voll and Bill Shanks and they cleaned Savin liquid toner tanks. I thought to myself that whatever happens, I must find away to avoid getting that job!  Copy Corp had a strong family atmosphere, a great place to work. We worked hard, played hard.  We were proud and worked hard to achieve our goals and targets.  One great example of the work ethic that we had was evident one year on the last day of the fiscal year, a hectic day as sales and billing worked into the night to get everything booked and billed.  
Presidents Club Gulf of Mexico Deep Sea Fishing
Normally, I would grill hamburgers for everyone that stayed around.  About 8:00 PM I noticed Jim Francis and David Hesse had not returned from their daily deliveries, I thought I had better keep the grill hot for them. When they returned, Dan Pierce wanted to know if all of the deliveries were completed and Jim Francis replied yes. However, before they returned, a National Account machine was delivered to us for a customer in London, Kentucky. Dan suggested, we could bill for the machine if it was delivered. So Jim took his burgers to go, loaded the machine in the truck and made the delivery. He returned at 1:30 AM the next morning.  That is the type of dedication that made the company great!  One day, during one of our “Warehouse Sales”, Steve Young came into my office with a customer. He showed her our copier and how it worked. Once he finished I saw him in the hallway and asked if he made the sale and he replied that he did. I told him we did not think that particular machines left in the warehouse and he told me that he did not need one from the warehouse – he sold the one we were using. He said “in fact, in a couple of minutes we will be loading it into her car”. I learned real quickly that if it was not nailed down, Steve would sell it!  During another “Warehouse Sale” I was in charge of cooking and serving hot dogs.  It seemed that my best customer was Dan Pierce. For some reason, he seemed to like my cooking. Just before lunch, he asked if I had any relish and he told me they would be much better with relish. I replied that I guess if I had relish, you would have eaten a dozen, since you have already had 6 of the bad ones and it was not even lunch time.   I remember the President’s Club trips, the family events and the Holiday dinners with Elvis and the Blues Brothers. The hospitality that Joyce and Jim shared was appreciated and will always be remembered.   Over the years, we have lost a few of the folks who worked hard and dedicated themselves to Copy Corp, Steve Young, Susan Rixman, Bob Bronger and Elaine Schunk will always be remembered.   Stories about Copy Corp could go on and on. It was a place where careers were formed and for a few of us, continues to be our work home.  Jim Kincer put a great deal of hard work into this company and I for one, am very grateful for that. Although we do not see them as often as we would like, both Billie and I remain close to Joyce and Jim and consider them dear friends.
As you know, I am affiliated with the ball club through the Clarksville Little League. (VP of the Challenger League).  My involvement with the kids centers around organizing the league itself.  I send out registration forms in January, process all paperwork, select the uniforms and order them, send out newsletters to the families, organize an "Opening Day" event where I introduce all players before our first game, provide cold drinks to all players and coaches after every game, order trophies and organize a year end banquet. Billie and I are involved from January through July and the past couple of years, we have been fortunate to be awarded a grant from the Horseshoe Foundation which takes additional paperwork. We play on Thursdays in May and June and I leave the play itself up to our 2 coaches who work great with the kids.    I am also a member of the ClarksvilleRedevelopment Commission.  I still enjoy the Rose Garden in my free time and smoking meat on the grill every chance I get (generally cook a brisket, pork shoulder or smoked jalapeno)!
The schedule is  pretty busy with volunteer work, therefore not many hobbies as such. The roses are still enjoyable but they seem to get more difficult to grow each year. Smoking meat on the grill is a new thing for me and the family seems to like it as well. Last week, I smoked 3 briskets for a fall party that was held by Billie's grandson. I think he ate about 1/2 of the meat. I generally cook brisket or pork shoulder but my newest item is a smoked jalapeno. People seem to like them as well. 

How does this one look on me?

Mickey and his secret BBQ recipe

Last night (6/24/21) was our last game of the season for my ball team and since we did not have a banquet due to the pandemic, I planned a special night. We had some of the Louisville mascots come over to join us and I invited both WDRB and WAVE 3 and each of them sent some folks to do a story on us. The link below is WDRB's story as it appeared on the 11:00 news last night. 

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