"" Copy Corp Club: Susan (Sparks) Rixman (deceased)

Susan (Sparks) Rixman (deceased)

Susan Rixman
Passed away on 10/16/09
She was 63
Susan Rixman was a very important part of Copy Corporation for many years.  Most of those years she was the Administrative Manager.  She was involved in everything that the company did, and I might say, was very good at her job.

I remember at one time she decided that she wanted to sell typewriters, so I told her, "in order for you to leave the Administrative job, you must hire and train your replacement"!  My thought was that she would take a long time finding someone that she was comfortable with and forget about selling typewriters!  But in short order she started training Tammy Carter, (a great choice)!  So susan started selling typewriters, she did a super job, and won some sales awards in the process!

Susan was a very big asset to the company when we were selling the business to IKON (Alco Standard).  She worked with the auditors, with the Alco legal department and really made a difficult task tolerable!  That is the way she was; she would take on a project, divide it into parts and work the parts until completed!  I'm telling you, that woman could get more done than any group of people!

I will never forget when she fell in love with Larry Rixman!  Larry was an over the road truck driver, and it became difficult to keep Susan at work; she traveled with Larry on many trips and to everywhere.  There were times I would get a call from Anywhere America, and it would be Susan, explaining that she will be at work in a day of so, because she had traveled with Larry over the weekend, she is in Somewhere, America and she had been in touch with Tammy Carter so Tammy could cover for her (and Tammy did, very nicely)!  Susan really enjoyed those days!

Susan coordinated all of the Copy Corp events to include the Presidents Club trips, which were (in my opinion) absolutely wonderful trips!  She and Larry made many of those trips with us, but she worked most of the trip!  That's just the way she was; she loved Copy Corporation and everyone that worked with us!

She was very proud of her Japanese heritage (her Father was Japanese); in fact, she was very proud of her entire family.  A couple of times we had the opportunity to meet members of her family!  I remember, one of our Presidents Club Trips was to Hawaii (in fact it was the trip when Steve and Lynn Young were married; but that's another story), Susan's younger sister, Patty, lived in Hawaii and worked with the The Don Ho Show (in fact was in the show) at the Hawaiian Hilton Village  (where we were staying)!  Susan made all of the arrangements, we attended the show and went back stage to visit Don Ho, Patty and the other entertainers!  It was quiet an experience for all of us and Susan was very proud of her sister!

Susan called New Orleans her home and this was the destination for many of our company trips. Again, Susan was very proud to make all of the arrangements; we met members of her family while there!  You may remember, this was the trip that someone broke into Larry and Susan's car (but that too is another story)!  I remember Susan took us out of the city to a catfish restaurant in the bayou that was up on stilts in the swamp; the seafood was so good that I have looked for this place for the past 25 to 30 years!  Never have I had better seafood!

Susan Rixman was a major part of the success of Copy Corporation!  We loved her and miss her very much!

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