"" Copy Corp Club: Raymond (Ray) Haas

Raymond (Ray) Haas

Ray, wife Amithy and their children
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Ray and Amithy Haas (and children)
Duluth, GA
Birthday 4/16

Holly Gibson, Donnie Boemaker, Alice Bramer-Skaggs, Dawn Duffy, Ray Haas
Ray Haas 2009
Ray has worked with CopyCorp (Now IKON/Ricoh) since 1991 as a service tech.  He is a CAN DO/WILL DO person and could always be depended on to get the job done.  He was an excellent tech from the very beginning.  He still is employed by Ricoh in Georgia.

Old School Class Mates(Ray is in the back)
Ray working on a machine at CopyCorp

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