"" Copy Corp Club: Sandy Eisenback

Sandy Eisenback

Sandy Eisenback 1984
Sandy dancing with Sid
Sandy Eisenback
Louisville, KY
Email (Click Here)

Sandy worked with Copy Corp from 1981 until 1990. She is what Copy Corp was all about and what made it such a successful company!  Sandy was one of the most cooperative people with the most positive, "Can-Do" attitudes that any one could have!  In the old days when all of the administrative work was done "manual" (no computers) it took long hours to "do the work" especially at the closing of the month!  But Sandy and her team "GOT IT DONE"! 
Sandy     Susan Rixman  Gina Barnes
Today, Sandy still lives in Louisville and is the Insurance Coordinator with "Korrect Optical" for several years.  I can remember, one of the highlights of her year was when she, her sister and her mother made an annual "girls trip" to the Gulf Shores Beaches every fall and even today continue to make the ritual trip!  Sandy is a wonderful person, with many friends and it is great to know she is doing well.  I do hope she will add to this post and keep us updated!

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