"" Copy Corp Club: Colleen Hoover

Colleen Hoover

Colleen Hoover
Copy Corp Administration
Louisville, KY

Colleen Hoover worked in the administrative department.  I remember Colleen as being a lady that can get the job done.  If there was a job or project that needed to be done and Colleen was involved, you could count on the job getting done and will a high degree of accuracy.  But, that was just the beginning, Colleen was a real team player, she was always involved in everything the company or her department was doing, whether it be work or play.

Colleen was always wearing a smile and had nice things to say about everyone.
June 24, 2019 - 

It is with great sadness that I inform you that Colleen Hoover passed away on Saturday morning. For those who did not know, she had been fighting cancer for some time and it was too much to overcome. Due to some circumstances with her 5 children, it was Colleen’s decision not to have a memorial service so we will just need to think of her and her family privately. As of this morning, the obituary was not available but when it is published, I will send it to you.

Colleen started with the company nearly 28 years ago in our collections department. In recent years she worked with customers in resolving billing issues and was well respected for her knowledge as well as her willingness to resolve matters. She was known for her good nature and she will be missed by those who were fortunate to know her. We will miss Collen but she is certainly in a better place today with no pain. Please keep Colleen and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

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