"" Copy Corp Club: Rhonda Dowdy

Rhonda Dowdy

Rhonda (2011) Churchill Downs
Rhonda Dowdy
Louisville, KY
Birthday:  December 5

Email: (Click Here)

I have such fond memories of CopyCorp. (1991 - 2001) I was so excited about getting a job there because they would deliver my equipment. My previous employer required me to drive the van and deliver my own equipment so I thought I struck gold when they hired me! It was much safer for everyone that I was no longer driving a van around town! The lessons I learned and the friendships I made at CopyCorp were priceless.

I had many mentors while at CC. Jim Kincer was always pushing me to be better. I remember one day he asked me to run a meeting and it was really getting out of hand at one point, so I looked at Jim for help. I'll never forget the look he gave me back,  it bascially said "you're in charge here, you need to take control!" I appreciate those times now because they really taught me how to sell, manage, and most of all how to be strong.
Rhonda (1993)

Another mentor of mine was Bob Bronger, I could go to him for anything, whether it was personal or business. Whenever I needed a competitive detail he always had the answer!
There were many more people I looked up to at CC, Tom Gilman, Mickey Higdon and many others.

Since leaving, I haven't worked in an atmosphere like CopyCorp. It was such a team oriented group. I can remember on one of the last days of the fiscal year sitting with Dan Heiskell and Cindi Carman. We were waiting to hear from Michael  to see what our numbers were and if we needed to "trade some deals" to make sure we all made 100%.  That year we all made it on our own.

That was just one of the many year end evenings! Month-end  and year-end days were crazy!

Many of the close  friendships I have today began at CC. The bullpen was great for competition, friendships and team work. I'm blessed to have been part of such a great group of people.
After working at CC I fulfilled a goal of mine and went back to school and earned my bachelor's degree in management.  I'm hoping to go back to school for my masters degree but I have to get Taylor through college first!
Jordan                  Rhonda                        Taylor
I still live in the upper highlands area. I love this part of town and everything is so convenient. I'm a single mom these days. Taylor is 20 and Jordan is 12, WOW how time passes! Taylor is going to U of L and is in the school of social work. She works at The Home of The Innocents as a resident counselor. I'm extremely proud of the work she is doing and the young woman she's become. Jordan is be in 7th grade at de Paul and wants to go to Trinity when he graduates from grade school. He is the money person in the family. He's always looking for a way to make money or wants to sell something! They are the love's of my life! We recently added a new member to our family, a black lab named Annie. Our cat isn't too happy with this decision!
I've been selling in the Healthcare IT field for the past 8 years. I sold practice managment and electronic medical records until just recently. Now I'm selling health information exchange solutions to hospitals and health systems. I cover 5 states so I do a little traveling here and there. The sale is much different from my copier days. The sales cycle can be 2 years in some cases, so I don't experience the end of the month crunches anymore.
Jordan and Taylor

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