"" Copy Corp Club: Bob Bronger (Deceased)

Bob Bronger (Deceased)

Bob Bronger (deceased)
Bob Bronger was a friend of everyone.  I can not recall, in all of the years that I knew Bob, of him EVER showing that he was mad or upset.  Bob was one of the coolest most reserve, professional men I ever knew!

Bob came to Copy Corporation from SOS (Super Office Supply) a company that we purchased in the 80's.  We were absolutely pleased to get Bob to stay with us after the acquisition, and he never missed a step in the transition.  I believe that Bob was very happy with Copy Corp as evidenced by his outstanding success while with us.

Bob and his wife Barbara Bronger went on many of the Copy Corp trips, his sales were always above plan and his customers loved him as much as those that worked with him at SOS and Copy Corporation.
Bob won many awards!

When Bob traveled with us on the Presidents Club Trips and other award trips, he and Barbara were always great fun and showed much appreciation for the opportunity to be a part of the team of winners.

In the later years, Bob became a "Teacher" of sales and I can think of no one that could do a better job of teaching new sales trainees or even experienced sales people the Copy Corp ways of success.

Bob told me one day that all of his life he wanted a Thundrbird Sports Car, and I remember when the new smaller Thunderbird came out, Bob was so excited and you could have bet on him having one, and he did until the day he died.

Hopefully Mickey will look up the dates of Bob Bronger's employment, and you, the reader, will add comments here to Bobs post.

1 comment:

JennHint said...

I was hired in 2001 by Tom Ramsey as a Systems Analyst. Bob immediately took me under his wing. I don't think I could have been successful at all without Bob's help and guidance. I was telling a story today about Bob and his Thunderbird, then later had a meeting with Greg Meyer, who told me about this site. I still work for Ricoh and am enjoying the blog and all the familiar faces. Thank you for creating and sharing this, I will be sure to share with all the former Cooy Corp/IKON folks still at Ricoh. -Jennifer Hinton