"" Copy Corp Club: Tom Ramsey News

Tom Ramsey News

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4/10/12 From Tom Ramsey:    
It was great talking to you last week. I thought I would shoot you a quick email with an update.  For some reason the doctors aren't moving near as fast I think they should. They are more concerned about healing than me getting up and around and back to work. Crazy isn't it.  I also don't remember 100% what I told you already. That could be due to the pain meds. Can't remembering to whom I told what. 
Where we are today is - I have a broken collar bone, a broken shoulder, and 3 broken ribs. As a result of The broken ribs my spleen was ruptured and had to be removed. Some bones in my right hand are broken too. The doctors and nurses at U of L Trauma Center were great. I wish I could find them all again and thank them personally. 
I met with the hand surgeon today and have surgery scheduled for Friday of his week to get that repaired. I'm assuming that will go pretty smoothly. We'll see.  That should be the only surgery needed. The rest is just mending and waiting. Im not real good at that. 
Thanks again for the call.  It's always great to talk to an old friend. 

4/7/12 From Jim Kincer:
I spoke with Tom this morning by phone (at his home) and he was in good spirits (when on medication, not in much pain).  He said everything we have been reporting is correct, that he and 5 of his motorcycle friends had gone for a spring ride, and as he was traveling (down near the Horse Shoe Casino) at about 45 MPH when a dog ran out in front of him and he couldn't miss it.  He and the motorcycle went down sliding on the highway.  He has a broken left shoulder and collar bone and some ribs are broken, he also has a broken right hand.  His spleen had to be removed to stop the internal bleeding.  Tom might say it like this "Other than that, he is doing fine".  We had a nice conversation and Cathy and the daughters are taking good care of him!  John was correct, his wicked sense of humor has returned.  Tom said he was wearing proper (and quality) riding gear, otherwise, this might be a very bad time.

4/6/12 From John Applegate:
Tom was released on Wed and is at home. He is doing better and will need some time to recover from some very serious injuries. He appears to be getting better as he is getting his wicked sense of humor back! He is very appreciative of the outpouring of concern as well wishes. He is a good man who narrowly avoided a much worse outcome. Thanks, John Applegate President Toshiba Business Solutions Louisville.

4/6/12 From Mickey Higdon:
Tom was released from the hospital and is resting (not so comfortably) at home. 
He will be recovering for several weeks.  He told Mickey today to arrange to bring his laptop so he can communicate with everyone next week, but with a broken right hand and a broken left shoulder and collarbone, that typing should be interesting to read.
God Bless you Tom.....speedy recovery from all of your friends!!!!!!
Thank You Mickey Higdon, for providing us with this information.  

4/3/12 From Mike Riordan: 
Jim thanks for the update on Tom.  My prayers are with him. Sounds like progress is being made. I couldn't help but think of all my friends in Kentucky last night. I was pleased KY defeated the Jayhawks. Being a KState Wildcat it was a relief not to have to listen to the KU people all year. I'm sure somewhere, the Applegates are celebrating, as I remember they were avid UK fans as I'm sure many are.  Keep the updates on Tom coming. Tell Mickey thanks. The Best Is Yet To Be!!!!   Mike

4/2/12 Mickey Higdon update:  Tom is doing better but he will be in the hospital for another 2-3 days. He remains in a lot of pain and discomfort. I checked and he is in University Hospital downtown in Room 812. I do not know about visitation at this time. I will keep you updated. 

4/1/12 Tom Ramsey was involved a motorcycle accident on Thursday night and was injured pretty bad. He was riding with some friends when he hit a dog ran out in front of him.  (dog died).  Evidently he was thrown from his bike and broke his right hand, left shoulder and some ribs. He also had some internal bleeding so they operated on him Thursday night. He was in ICU at the UL Trauma Center.   Please keep Tom in your prayers!

This is the Motorcycle but NOT the dog!
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1 comment:

Dean Showalter said...

A friend of mine called me about Tom. I have worked with Tom on and off throughout the years. Tom also hired me at Ikon. I am a rider too, a piece of me hurts every time I hear of an accident . Riding is a great past time but very dangerous. I also know its not if you fall, but when. Tom I am sorry you have to go through this. I wish you the very best.
Thanks for these updates, this is awesome. I'll check back in hopes of hearing about a full recovery.
Dean Showalter