"" Copy Corp Club: Tad Douglas

Tad Douglas

Tad Douglas 2012
Tad in 1978
Tad Douglas    
Louisville, KY 
Birthday: Feb. 3
Email: (Click Here)
Tad was the very First Sales Representative that CopyGraphics (CopyCorp) hired in 1978.  He was a graduate of Atherton and UK.  Even though Tad was very young, he was a strong and effective sales representative.  He worked hard and smart and had a talent that he used effectively, Tad could get in to see any decision maker, he was able to get past the "gatekeeper" easier than most sales people and it showed in his sales.  Tad worked with Jeff Doll, Randy Freeman, Jeff Swan, Steve Young and service rep. Dennis Thompson. When Tad left CopyCorp he worked for many years with Taffel Motors, selling the Mercedes-Benz.

Tad 2008
Today, Tad owns and operates Capstone Investment Management, LLC here in Louisville.  Capstone provides independent, objective advice to help investors build financial independence. We create personal investment strategies that help our clients accomplish their objectives to build, protect and distribute wealth with confidence.  Tad's investment counsel is based on over two decades of experience working with affluent and high net worth investors, including individuals, businesses, trusts and qualified retirement plans. He is a registered principal with LPL Financial, member FINRA, SIPC, and may discuss and/or transact business with residents of Kentucky and Indiana. 
Financial planning and advice, with a focus on retirement planning for individuals, qualified retirement plans for businesses, and income distribution in retirement.  Securities and Advisory services are offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor.

1 comment:

Tad Douglas said...

An update on my life, November 2023: I merged my company with a partner into Family Wealth Planning Partners, and retired in 2021. I now run a leadership and executive coaching business and live in La Grange, KY with my wife Kathy. Copy Corp was one of the best places I ever worked, and I made life long friends there. I certainly did not appreciate how good I had it there! Jim and Dave taught me a lot about sales and working hard, and we had a lot of fun (maybe too much!). Those were good days!