"" Copy Corp Club: Bill Micou

Bill Micou

Bil 1988
Bill Micou
Louisville, KY
Email:  (Click Here)
Birthday - November 30th
Years with Copy Corporation – 5-1/2 years
Louisville – Fax Sales – 1986 To 1989
Lexington – Mgr Fax Sales – 1989 To 1991

Bill 1990
I worked for Dennis Thompson in Louisville with the Fax Division.  It was a blast, selling fax machines in those days! It was so much fun learning about and then educating customers on what was - at that time - a totally new idea of document transmission.  Send a page through a phone line?  On every sales call I got to be a magician and a problem solver.  Thanks to Copy Corporation’s climate of professionalism, teamwork, and some great people, I will always have fond memories of those times.  I would love to tell so many people that I worked for, and with, how important they were to my careers.

From Copy Corporation I moved to ARA Cory Coffee systems as Territorial Manager, Office telephone sales with Data Voice, then Humana Insurance call center – Medicare Division – Manager of the Unit, however, the hardest job ever was "Stay at Home Dad" from 2001 - 2006!

Currently I work with Component Supply, a local importer of  industrial metal components and hardware. 

In 1997, I married Kate McClure Duncan who had a daughter, Jennifer,  two years younger than my own adopted son, Christopher.
As a family we were very much into competitive soccer, cycling, traveling to Florida to visit grandparents, and being a family. 

Now in 2011, Jennifer is a junior at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida, and Christopher is working in Louisville. I’m also proud of my two older kids, Hope Micou Helton, who works at Brown Forman Distillery in Marketing, and Ryan Micou, working at Marsh & McLennan Co. as a Support Analyst.

I remember at the Copy Corporation Golf Scramble at Long Run Golf Course – a bottle of vodka and a little orange juice in our golf cart followed by a rained out cookout which was re-directed to the company’s warehouse.  Someone decided to try surfing on the equipment carts, which didn’t turn out so well. The rest is a blur, but I think from then on, cookouts in the warehouse were banned.
Bill in New Orleans

I remember a New Orleans business trip – walking the French Quarter – being totally shocked when I found out I’d been watching a nightclub act of hot female singers that weren’t females. (?)

A Jamaica President’s Awards trip –being grateful that I won this trip;  meeting another guest there who happened to also be from Louisville, seems he was having early success as a new pizza company in Louisville, his name was John Schnatter, the founder.
Bill, Lynn Young, D.Payne
Jamaica was where Jim bargained with a local for an item and the local walked away with much less than he had hope, but still feeling he had won.

Bill in Corporate Games

The Louisville Corporate Cup Olympics – my first triathlon (stationary bike + laps in pool + running around the block), raft races, great fun!

A dress-for-success top salesman who spilled something down his shirt at lunch, but then deciding to wear his raincoat buttoned up to his neck during a copier sales demo appointment he later had in the showroom.

French Lick, Indiana sales meeting - finding out Jim wasn’t a golfer when he came back very excited after a walk, with his pockets full of driving range golf balls. He thought someone had left all these perfectly good, although they had a silly stripe painted on them, golf balls.  We told him he’d have to give them back.

And many more memories...  Click here for "Bill's Photo Gallery"
Thanks for this blog, Jim. Those were wonderful times, and I have a lot to thank you for!

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