"" Copy Corp Club: Ron Gayhart (Friend of Copycorp)

Ron Gayhart (Friend of Copycorp)

Ron 1982
Ron 2010
Ron Gayhart
Georgetown, KY

Ron Gayhart and Lexington Copy Products were long time friends of CopyCorp.  From the very beginning, (in fact prior to the beginning), we were very close to Ron, he was a "mentor" and friend and provided much advice and assistance.  Ron was actually responsible for us deciding on the Canon Product line as our main product to sell and service.  He owned and operated a successful Canon dealership in Lexington.  Ron came from a service background but in his own right was a great salesman.  He was always there to help us if we needed equipment, service help or just someone to talk with to discuss ideas and challenges.  Ron, Shirley, Joyce and I attended many Canon and Panasonic trips and had much fun together.  Below are some pictures from a couple of those fun trips.   Today, Ron works with the Better Business Bureau in Lexington.

Ron, Shirley and Joyce at a street cafe in Greece
Shirley at The Parthenon

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